Wednesday 4 November 2015

Homeworkouts- Body weight Exercises/ No Equipment Pt 2

It's been a long time since my previous post and i apologize to all my readers for such a delay in posts. My last post was about home workouts without equipment and dealt with squats, push-ups and lunges and how those exercises are to be performed- the link for the same post is as follows
Now in this post i shall tell you about crunches, press ups, jumping jacks and mountain climbers and will also tell you the benefits of all these exercises.
A.  Crunches
     Now everyone everywhere is obsessed about abs and the six packs and a flat tummy and the major driver towards fitness is that growing tummy which completely destroys our body image, our physical appearance/ body aesthetics and in pursuit of that flat tummy we all start doing crunches- a very common and well known as well as abused exercise. Why abused? Well, to get a flat tummy or the six pack you need to lose body fat and to bring down body fat percentage below 10 percent and to do that only crunches are not going to do anything but you need a total body workout- something that i will discuss in a post regarding fat loss. Now as for crunches- the abs exercise- if alone not going to give a flat tummy then why to do it? The answer is for a strong core- strong abdominal muscles and to strengthen the whole body. The abdominal muscles are what that transfers power from the lower  body to the upper body and vice versa.
  How to perform-
1. Lie down flat on the floor on your back and bring your legs closer to your hips( knees bent) and hands clasped on the back of your head.
2. Now curl the body up using abdominal strength shortening the distance between rib cage and pelvis without moving the hips and while doing this keep elbows tucked in close to the ears and gaze towards the navel/ belly button.
3. Come back to original position.
4. Do about 6-10 repetitions per set for 3 sets.
5. Remember not to move your neck or bend the neck anyway as you are not working the neck but working  your stomach/abdominal. If you bend your neck you will be injured in the neck.
6. Maintain proper form and exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.
Press Ups
B. Press Ups
    Now Press Ups is an exercise which is normally done by Indian Wrestlers - the pehlwaans and it is kind of a difficult variation of the push up  wherein your shoulders, rotator cuffs, abdominals, triceps, back and chest muscles are worked out as well as a bit of lower body muscles. This exercise is also called as Zor(in Hindi) and is great strengthening exercise.
 How to perform-
1. Get in the starting position of the push up but raise your hips creating a triangle with the floor being the base means palms and toes on floor with hips raised.
2. Now from this position slide into a push up's lowering down position and then go forward and raise your torso upward a bit and go back into starting position. This whole movement is to be done in one swift motion like a wave wherein your body moves in an "S" motion only horizontal to the floor.
3. Do about 6-10 reps for 3 sets and increase reps as your strength increases.

C. Jumping Jacks
     Well it is the most easy exercise of all and it works the whole body and helps in strengthening and is a good cardio exercise.
  How to do -
1. Stand with feet together and hands by the side.
2. In one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise your hands sideways above your head.
3. Immediately reverse the position by jumping back to the original position.
4. Do the move continuously non-stop for at least 20 repetitions. Perform as fast as possible.
5. Do 5 sets of 20reps.
Keep Jumping!

D. Mountain Climbers
 This is full body exercise which benefits muscular and cardiovascular fitness as well as flexibility.
   How to do -
1. Get into a push up position with the hands directly below chest at shoulder width, arms straight.
2. Now raise your right foot and place it near your chest then take right foot down to starting position and simultaneously lift left foot towards the chest in an alternating continuous motion.
3. Perform at least 10 reps per set for 3 sets. Increase reps gradually.

Now the exercises that are discussed are easy and can be done by beginners also. There are plenty of other body weight exercises and variations which we will discuss as we progress.
 1103strengthfitness your very own personal trainer signing out with the bodybuilders' salute.

Note -the images from the web are from the web and do not belong to 1103strengthfitness. Some images might contain the websites of their origin and can be viewed/followed for motivation/advice they have to offer wherein 1103strengthfitness does not gaurantee about any advice given by the other websites and is just for informational purposes and practical application is at your own will.

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