Tuesday 21 July 2015

The Workout Dilemma - Part 1

Bodybuilding and Weightlifting Exercises are the same.
In Bodybuilding more emphasis is given on sculpting
the body involving isolation movements
and compound structural movements for
While in weightlifting
the emphasis is on lifting as much heavy weight
as one can and involves the compound
structural movements and lifts
such as snatches clean & jerks.


   The dilemma... Once you have decided that you have got to start exercising and get fit you are hit with numerous questions & doubts in your mind as to how will I get fit how will I lose weight will I stick with a plan will I find time & then you will try to Google in your office spare time as to what program might suit your fitness goals and then Google will give you millions of opinions without a specific solution towards your chaotic mindset in personal fitness goal. Well there is no specific answers as bodybuilders will swear by weights & strict diet while crossfits will ridicule the point of lifting weights if you are not domestically ( functional strength) strong enough and the powerlifters will show how puny bodybuilders are (not all) and those who run do cardio or play sports will go blank if told gyms make athletes... So much hate so much pride why the confusion??? 


 Now with girls it is a whole different scenario right from "Ew I don't want to look like a bodybuilder with muscles" "I just want to look slim, please!" "I will do yoga it seems easy and peaceful ( so peaceful that I might prefer sleeping after a few classes!)" "Maybe aerobics but it seems to be of my mom's era" "How about zumba that seems fun you get to dance on music and get fit!" 
 While so many things are going around in the guy/ gal's mind there are the masters of their own field the trainers the instructors and master trainers who are telling that theirs is the only thing the highest pedestal of fitness without understanding that one becomes a master or trainer in one's field only when that one has a strong liking/ passion for one's particular field which is almost not their in a beginner/new entrant or a person who wants to get back in shape.  
 That is the point which very few rare trainers/ coaches understand that you
 are still finding what will work for you in your personal fitness
goal. Will you like and stick with the program/technique is the
biggest doubt in your mind! 
Now with techniques all are good - bodybuilders work damn hard and have to be religiously sincere towards their diets. Powerlifters have to be mentally and insanely physically strong to lift heaviest loads.
   Crossfit requires you to have that determination and CNS( Central Nervous System) trained to have continuous loads for a long duration of time.
    While Yoga requires a true silent mind to connect with your body and achieve flexibility which unites mind body and soul.
    Yes in zumba you dance yourself to a fitter you and makes you feel good & happy but for that you require grace and good cardio health to keep on moving.
    As for sports one requires to have the skill which is developed by practice,agility and a great cardio fitness level. Martial arts and yoga are similar wherein yoga u find peace in martial arts you have to bring out that inner force to hit hard & fast.
  That means that all kinds of training requires a lot of effort and perseverance and for that you need to like what you do and you should do what you like. 
  So no matter what confusions you go through just go start something and try out everything till you find out what works for you. What you really need to keep in mind is that to get fit you require to improve stamina, flexibility, endurance, strength, good eating habits and rest. So go on and start trying stuff but start exercising and start moving that body to reveal the awesome and beautiful that you are.
   In further posts I 1103StrengthFitness will give you inputs on the 5 components of fitness which are the basic guidelines towards your fitness goals. So till then this is your very own personal trainer 1103StrengthFitness signing off with the bodybuilders' salute. :)

Note- the images are from the web and donot belong to 1103strengthfitness. Some images contain the websites of their origin and can be viewed/followed for the motivational quotes and fitness advice they have to offer wherein 1103strengthfitness does not guarantee about any advice given by the other websites and is just for informational purposes and practical application is at your own will.

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