Tuesday 9 April 2019

Nutrition remedies for kidney stones

If you get kidney stones once there is a probability of getting it once again in a span of 7 years if preventive measures and proper diet is not maintained.
The first thing that the doctor will advise you is to cut down or stop eating non veg food and to drink plenty of water in terms of number of glasses per day.
The top most thing to remember when taking care of your health is to drink a minimum of 3 litres of water daily and more if you workout and have a protein rich diet(protein rich diet is the way to eat).
KIDNEY STONES form when certain minerals and chemicals get concentrated in the urine to form crystals which then grow to form a larger mass and get stuck in the urinary tract blocking the flow of urine causing pain.
Stones form when calcium combines with oxalate or phosphorus, can also form from uric acid which forms when the body metabolizes the protein(reason why doc tells you to avoid non veg in case of stones) Although it is calcium that combines with the two but less calcium intake is the primary cause for formation of stones and hence intake of calcium should be optimum through natural foods and not supplemental or medicinal.
Calcium Phosphate Stones, Calcium Oxalate Stones, Uric Acid Stones and Cystine Stones. Consult your doctor to understand which stone is formed in order to draw out a nutrition plan to achieve and continue achieving your fitness goals. A certified nutritionist or a dietician can guide you with your diet and food plan.
First and foremost is to increase your daily water intake in order to pass out 2 litres of urine per day as it is through urine that the stone will pass out (in case of large stone, doc might operate).
Other than water the intake of other liquids should also be high by having lemonade, orange juice, basil juice, Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar, Celery juice, Pomegranate Juice(favorite of mine and good for building muscles), Kidney Bean Broth, Wheat grass juice.
Acetic acid helps to dissolve the stone (ACV)
Citrates - citric acid from lemon, orange and other fruits also helps to dissolve the stone, too much protein intake reduces the citrate levels(too high citrate levels prevent muscle growth)
Foods to Avoid -Sodium intake to be below 1500mg daily which means less salt in food and no packaged foods, Beets, chocolates, spinach, tea, most nuts, cola drinks (have phosphate in them which hampers the kidney), high dose of vitamin C as vitamin C is converted into oxalate (lemon is rich in vitamin C but is to be had to help dissolve the stone, the key here is to not have too much of it, too much of anything is harmful anyways), limiting animal protein (the doc will advise you to stop it completely but again the key here is to have some of it around 150gms or less will be fine, protein is a must for the body).
Foods to eat -
Now the complication that arises in planning a diet for the person having kidney stones or has had stones before.
The foods that can be consumed are -
Plant based protein like soy and soy based products, legumes such as beans, dried peas, lentils and peanuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios in moderation.
Non veg i.e. Chicken or other meats less than 150gms daily.
Calcium rich or fortified or enriched foods like bread, cereals and juices.
Note - During Pregnancy or breastfeeding avoid all the above remedies and consult the doctor. Everybody else who is not pregnant or not breastfeeding can follow the remedies.
Point of utmost importance - Always keep a check on the colour of your urine, dark and too dark is a sign of health problem. Always drink more than 3 litres of water daily no matter how supreme health condition you think you might be in.
Drink water, plenty of water, water is the preventive measure as well as prime cure for all health conditions.
Please go through the article properly as information is laid down everywhere in the article.
- Nikhil Maduskar
(Fit Angle Gym/ 1103StrengthFitness)
Note -  above article is for informational purpose only and is not a medical advice. Please consult doctor for any health problems