Friday 12 February 2016

Walking to Weight Training

Fitness… Fat Loss… I need to lose weight… Maybe I need to get fit, I am not feeling good kind of out of breath while walking or taking the stairs… We all go through these emotions in our life but keep wondering whether to join a gym or go for a walk… Wishful thinking.
Now, I am not here to compare or create differences as to what is good for your health and what is not. We are here to promote fitness and health among all and to encourage people to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Walking or weight training??? Both have their own benefits and both are a must for your health.
1. Walking improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
2. Walking lightens the mood. – by releasing endorphin- the feel good hormone.
3. Walking may lead to weight loss- brisk 30 mins walk burns 200 calories (1 donut).
4. Walking tones your leg muscles.     
5. Walking lowers Alzheimer’s risk.
6. Walking slows mental decline.        
7. Morning Walks give you fresh air.

1.  Weight training strengthens the muscles, promotes better joint movements & stronger bones.
2.  MUSCLE FIGHTS FAT – with muscle strengthening there is tear and repair of the muscles which requires calories to be burned and these calories are obtained from the fat in your body.
3. Weight Training promotes fat loss - We need to target fat loss and not just weight loss.
4. Weight Training just like walking releases endorphins- the feel good hormones, reduce stress. Weight Training can be done at any time of the day as weight training is done inside a gym and it doesn’t matter if it is sunny outside.
5.  Weight Training Fights OSTEOPOROSIS – With age, you naturally lose muscle and bone mass- a special concern for women. With Weight Training your muscles and bones adapt to the stress by becoming bigger and stronger.
6. Weight Training has ANTI- AGEING BENEFITS – With tear and repair of muscle there is new generation of tissues/ muscles toned/ feel good endorphins & makes you feel fresh & young. So why spend on cosmetics & anti-ageing cream when you can feel & look good naturally.

So Come Walk Into A Gym for A Healthy Lifestyle. 
Your very own personal trainer 1103strengthfitness signing off with the bodybuilders' salute. :)

note- The images are sourced from the internet and 1103strengthfitness has no ownership of them and they belong to their creators as referred by the websites mentioned on the images. They are for reference only. For details you can visit the respective sites.