Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Workout Dilemma Pt2 continued

    Recap - While following any workout/ exercise program one has take into consideration the 5 components of fitness which are  
a. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
  which is the ability of the heart to supply oxygenated blood to the working muscles for a long duration without fatigue which includes breathing, stamina and oxygen intake essential for energy regeneration.
b. Muscular Endurance which is the ability of the muscles to contract sub maximally without fatigue for a long duration i.e. your muscles' ability to work for a long period without getting tired or sore.
c. Musculo-skeletal strength i.e. the ability of the muscles to generate maximum force - ability to lift/push/pull heavy loads or generate maximum force while performing an action. The 1 rep max method to develop muscle strength in gym.
And the two remaining components of fitness that will be discussed in this post-
d. Flexibility &
e. Ideal Body Composition.
Now always remember that these 5 components are essential and one cannot neglect any of these when it comes to any fitness program & complete physical well-being.
FLEXIBILITY - Now this is the most neglected factor when someone starts or is working towards their fitness goals & also neglected in the gym even I have been guilty about neglecting my flexibility and faced problems while undergoing my personal training certification. Now normally flexibility is worked out in warm up exercises which we all ignore and cool down exercises/stretching which we lazily dismiss or just want to keep feeling that pump after serious weightlifting outside the gym. But without flexibility one actually goes backwards in fitness goals and tends to get weaker in total body well being.
Flexibility is the ability of the body to achieve full range of motion at all joints and also to maintain a smooth movement of the body and good posture.
Now to improve flexibility one has to do stretching exercises normally and should be done at the end of the workout. You can also try yoga sessions twice or thrice a week for improving flexibility and if that is not possible then one can do surya-namaskars ( sun salutations) which completely stretches and works the whole body and at least 12 sets of it every alternate day might suffice your flexibility requirements and it takes less than 15 minutes to do 12 sun salutations and can be done at home preferably in the morning.
IDEAL BODY COMPOSITION - Now what is an ideal body we all wonder well to put it blatantly it is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass i.e the percentage of body fat in you. The picture below is an indication as to how one might look at a certain body fat percentage and  it is upto you at what percentage you want to achieve and maintain. For a normal healthy male body fat percentage should be 15% or less and for girls it should be 20% or less.
Comparatively females naturally have more body fat percentage because their body functions differently and as you can see in the above pic you can notice how different the mid section looks compared to males. Now to maintain or achieve ideal body composition one has to eat right, exercise and got to sleep tight! Yes i.e Proper Nutrition, Intensive Training ( Exercise) and Rest & Recovery as a combination is called as a HYPERTROPHY TRIPOD consisting of Progressive Overload, Sports Nutrition and Rest & Recovery.
What is Proper Nutrition? Different dietitians will have different answers but the common goal for losing body fat depends on varying the intake of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Check what you eat and you will know what is making you fat and keep in mind that for maintaining a healthy body first comes protein then fats and lastly carbohydrates. Our muscles and tissues are all made up of protein; again tissues and protective layers for internal organs and hormones are made up of fat while carbohydrates normally just provide energy but then energy is also provided by proteins and fats.
WHY TO MAINTAIN IDEAL BODY COMPOSITION? to feel good,to be efficient, to be able to move easily and be flexible, has anti-ageing capabilities like if you are light you feel light and energetic while if you are heavy everything is a bit slump and lazy. So how do you wanna feel about yourself in your own skin???
Now go and exercise and remember the 5 components of fitness...
We all do what Arnie Says! so 1103strengthfitness your very own personal trainer is signing of with the bodybuilders' salute :)

Note- the images are from the web and donot belong to 1103strengthfitness. Some images contain the websites of their origin and can be viewed/followed for the motivational quotes and fitness advice they have to offer wherein 1103strengthfitness does not guarantee about any advice given by the other websites and is just for informational purposes and practical application is at your own will.